
Welcome to the endoscopy section of AUGIS. Surgeons remain a vital part of the national endoscopic workforce providing a significant proportion of service delivery for both elective and emergency endoscopy. With the pressures imposed by the pandemic, never has there been a more time critical moment for us to embrace our involvement and commitment to endoscopic training and service. Endoscopy within AUGIS encompasses not only gastroscopy but also endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) as well as ERCP and endo-bariatrics. I would encourage all of you to not only support the endoscopy section of AUGIS but also to lend your experience and expertise as trainers of the future. Please take a moment to navigate this section, get involved and I would welcome any feedback you may wish to offer.

James Catton

Endoscopy Lead

James Catton


Committee Members

Summer Update from Endoscopy Lead

AUGIS continues to provide support and an input into the teaching training and development of endoscopy services. Its input into the BSG endoscopy committee has provided input into the PEUGIC root cause analysis project, the recent publish endoscopy sedation guidelines and the development of the forth coming TNE guidelines. Project such as the “appropriate endoscopy” initiative and the “points on the list” guidance have also had AUGIS input and support. AUGIS will also be supporting the continued independence of the JAG in GI endoscopy as this is challenged by the Royal College of Physicians. AUGIS will also be represent in the development in NHSE endoscopy Strategy as the provision of GI endoscopy under goes transformation in England in the near future.

The role of surgical trainees in endoscopy training and AUGIS views and ability to influence that need to be define and this one of the challenges for the coming year.

Learning Tools

Endoscopy e-learning by JAG/HEE

The Endoscopy e-learning programme is a free e-learning resource for health and care professionals working in endoscopy. It has been developed by Joint Advisory Group on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (JAG) working in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH).

The Endoscopy e-learning resource provides a programme of courses covering the core areas of endoscopy. Over the coming months further sessions will be developed to support the JETS Workforce e-portfolio.

Click here for further information

JETS: JAG Endoscopy Training System – www.jets.thejag.org.uk

BSG website  – www.bsg.org.uk

London Live Endoscopy – londonliveendoscopy.com