Please note that when registering please include your current membership number when prompted. Once inputted you will then see the membership registration rate for which you are eligible. If you are registering as a full surgeon, you will have the option to specify whether you are interested in a particular sub-specialty.
Don’t forget, if you are not already a member of AUGIS and would like to benefit from many benefits including discounts at our Annual Scientific Meeting, please visit:
Registration for non-members
If you register at the non-member rate and subsequently join AUGIS as a member, we will only reimburse the difference between the member and non-member registration fee if you join AUGIS as a member within 14 days of booking for an AUGIS event. If you join AUGIS as a member after 14 days we will not reimburse the difference between the member and non-member registration rate for this event.
Please note that the full membership subscription year is from 1st June to the 31st May. If you join AUGIS between the 1st June and 31st August you will pay the full membership rate. Pro-rata membership is applicable from the 1st September to the 31st April. This is to account for members who are not able to join or renew on the annual renewal date and for those who wish to join for the September annual scientific meeting.
By registering for this meeting you are agreeing for AUGIS to display your name and hospital on your delegate badge, and to share your name and hospital details with our industry partners and faculty members.
Please contact the AUGIS office if you require further information.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
- We will refund up to 30 days before the event . A 10% administration fee will be charged on all transactions.
- We will not refund any cancellations made within 30 days of the event.
Registration Payment
AUGIS operate online registration for the Meeting and accept payment through Worldpay where the following credit and debit cards are accepted:

Registration Queries
If you have any queries regarding registrationfor any AUGIS events please contact: 0207 869 6115/6116 or email: or
The Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery of Great Britain and Ireland (AUGIS)
The Royal College of Surgeons
35/43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London, WC2A 3PE