Join Online

The membership year runs from the 1st June to the 31st May.

Membership Type

Please select your desired membership type from the options below and when you continue with the registration process you will be asked to indicate your sub-specialty interest/s:

Our membership year runs from June to May every year, however if you join now we will give you two weeks free membership.

  • Benign UGI/BBUGS
  • OG
  • Bariatric
  • HPB

Membership of AUGIS Only

Type Cost

BJS Online

Members can also opt to have a subscription to the BJS Online as part of their Annual Membership.

Type Cost

Please note that once you have subscribed for the BJS online, AUGIS will send you instructions to register and receive the BJS online.

Payment Method

Please select your desired payment method from the options below:

Payment Method